Lab 8 Video Editing

by clydebolyard

objectives: To learn how edit a video using Sony Vegas

Equipment: PC, Sony Vegas Software

Notes and Observations: First I downloaded the Hitchcock video from the url in the lab. Next I found what does the fox say and downloaded it as an avi file.I then edited them by creating clips and spliting. The final clip had Hitchcock smiling then panning to the music video.

Answer to questions on lab:

1. Which of these licenses could you use in your class video project? Why?


2. Which license would not be acceptable to use in your video project?  Why not?

Attributions because they’re noncommercial.

3. Which licenses allows you to use the work as long as you share your work with others through Creative Commons as well?

Attributions like ShareAlike

Conclusion: Video making is tedious and time consuming. A lot of editing goes into it.