Lab 5 Web and FTP Servers

by clydebolyard


Objectives:To explore and learn more about HTTP and FTP servers in a TCP/IP network

Equipment List

Apache, PC

Notes and Observations:

I used Apache web server to see IP address of the web server in our area. I also traced documents in the web server using documentroot. Then, I created a webpage and entered the IP address to open it. Next, I installed FTP daemon to create FTP accounts. Which then I created an FTP client using the commands. 

Diagrams: None

Questions: What is the most popular type of web server in operation?-Apache 

Has this always been the same?- yes but microsoft is closing in and more people have moved to other web servers as more have developed

How many languages does Apache support?- about 100

What other hardware platforms does Apache support?- Linux, IBM, Apple, Etc.

Do you think Apache is a good server for a commercial application? No, because its community based and there are more commercial oriented servers that would be better, but Apache is free.




I learned a more in depth knowledge of web and FTP servers. I also learned about Apache and how HTTP and FTP servers operate on a TCP/IP network.