Networking 1

Month: March, 2014

Lab 5 Web and FTP Servers


Objectives:To explore and learn more about HTTP and FTP servers in a TCP/IP network

Equipment List

Apache, PC

Notes and Observations:

I used Apache web server to see IP address of the web server in our area. I also traced documents in the web server using documentroot. Then, I created a webpage and entered the IP address to open it. Next, I installed FTP daemon to create FTP accounts. Which then I created an FTP client using the commands. 

Diagrams: None

Questions: What is the most popular type of web server in operation?-Apache 

Has this always been the same?- yes but microsoft is closing in and more people have moved to other web servers as more have developed

How many languages does Apache support?- about 100

What other hardware platforms does Apache support?- Linux, IBM, Apple, Etc.

Do you think Apache is a good server for a commercial application? No, because its community based and there are more commercial oriented servers that would be better, but Apache is free.




I learned a more in depth knowledge of web and FTP servers. I also learned about Apache and how HTTP and FTP servers operate on a TCP/IP network.

Lab 4


To create a stand-alone operational TCP/IP computer network with IPv4 addressing. The lab helped us better explore the TCP/IP network and how to config one.

Equipment List:
Switch, Router, Cabling

Notes and Observations:
My group and I created a working TCP/IP network by connecting three computers to switches which then when to a router. We then established eachothers IP addresses for our own computers and the IP for the router. We then used the hyperterminal to use the basic commands to connect everything together which I found the most difficult part of the lab due to some missing steps but received assistance by the instructor.
Questions and Answers:

Compare and contrast IANA and ARIN?

IANA, organization that distributes IP addresses worldwide. ARIN, organization that distributes IP addresses in the United States.

What are some reasons to update the TCP/IP protocol with a new IPv6 standard (to replace the older IPv4 standard)?

There are limited IPv4 addresses. IPv6 addresses have more characters so therefore can support the growing number.
What are some of the reasons to continue to use the IPv4 standard?

Most devices are already IPv4 setup and its easy to setup, but IPv6 is taking over.
What is the highest OSI layers that computers are communicating with when all of the computers have been connected together (using a hub or switch networking device), any TCP/IP addresses associated with the machines have been removed, the network interface cards of the computers are connected together (and the NICs have their link lights lit)?

Data Link Layer.

What protocol is used to automatically (or dynamically) assign IP addresses to computers?

How do you check network connectivity? Can you think of other ways to confirm that the network works between the computers?

You can ping eachother by finding out the IP addresses to devices. You can also attempt to send messages to everyone and see who receives them.


This lab was fairly easy. I’ve done this before. Only issue was with using hyperterminal. Great lab overall went well.