Networking 1

Month: January, 2014

Lab 1 report

Objectives: To set up a blog page where I can post each lab report, set up a wiki to share notes/ information with other students, and lastly set up a Diigo account where information can be shared with the KSU Networking Group.

Notes and Observations: I set up a blog page using wordpress and filled out the username and password. I posted my first post for lab one. I then set up and wiki using the email sent by the instructor and followed instructions setting up a username and password. Then, I set up a Diigo account the same way as the Wiki. I posted an article from CNN about NFL blocking mobile video use during the Super Bowl.
Diagrams, flowcharts, and figures: N/A

References: Lab 1 handout, K-State Webmail

Questions: N/A

Conclusions: I successfully created a blog, Wiki, Diigo, and shared a webpage.

Lab 1

Lab report one goes here.